A stone’s throw from the famous Flower Market, Shirtshop has earned a reputation as one of Amsterdam’s most Unusual and Iconic menswear shops

Reguliersdwarsstraat 64, 1017 BM Amsterdam, 020 423 2088
A stone’s throw from the famous Flower Market, Shirtshop has earned a reputation as one of Amsterdam’s most Unusual and Iconic menswear shops
From its unique village-store set-up, quirky opening hours,
showroom-style displays, including THE MOST SPECTACULAR shirt window in Amsterdam,
Shirtshop breaks the mold when it comes to mens fashion retailing
Decades of Fashion Experience – Fashion Fairs, Shows, Showrooms – have sharpened our knowhow in choosing and developing merchandise, giving our client some fabulous product at affordable prices.
No ‘global brands’ for us… too much ‘mediocre product with hot-air pricing’… Instead, we cherry-pick our way through dozens of collections from Intelligent European Fashionmakers… Sweden down to Italy… including some great Dutch product along the way.
We hold very limited stock, so we DO NOT sell online… Stock is only for walk-in clients, and each season everything sells out, more or less. This keeps the store fresh and changing,which our regulars appreciate.
Lots of folks find their way to us by Google and Facebook, so if you’ve enjoyed our shop and would like to help your friends find us easier, just tell them to Google us or visit our Facebook page, hit the Facebook button below.